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Quillen's Story


Born in Nebraska, raised in Iowa, and educated in Missouri, Quillen deBruney’s life was a veritable tour of the Midwest until she moved to Baltimore, Maryland in 2005.  She grew up with dreams of being a professional musician, but, realizing she had neither the talent to make a living as a performer nor the grit to endure the life of a starving artist, she set her sights on a different kind of performance: politics.


Eventually, her appetite for partisan battles matured into a desire to make government more effective. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Truman State University and a Master of Arts in public policy from The Johns Hopkins University, Quillen moved to Washington, DC, where she spent 15 years working for the federal government, advising senior officials on financial and management matters.


Even while working in government finance, Quillen always harnessed the power of storytelling. For over a decade, she distinguished herself not just as an expert on agency operations but as a skilled communicator who could convey complex information to a variety of audiences by crafting compelling narratives.


In 2022, Quillen decided to leave government service to begin building a second career. Child of June, Quillen's debut literary endeavor, is the fruit of that decision. She currently works in the non-profit sector, helping other creators share their stories with the world.


When not working or writing, Quillen is an avid adventurer who has visited more than 20 countries on six continents. She’s climbed mountains in South America, dodged tuk-tuks in Old Delhi, toughed windstorms in the Arabian desert, and had the ultimate Australian bush hiking experience: nearly colliding with a wallaby.


Quillen currently lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with her beloved mutt, Anne Elliot.

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