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Black and white photo of a woman with chin-length hair and glasses

Quillen deBruney

Writer & Storyteller

New Release

Child of June (2023)

In the summer of 1914, unrest simmers across the Austro-Hungarian empire. Nationalist tensions are on the rise, the imperial parliament has been suspended, and the heir to the throne has been assassinated. While the capital hums with whispers of war, Ilse Eder lives a life apart, secluded on her brother-in-law’s country estate. Headstrong but unworldly, she finds herself entangled in an illicit romance with the aristocratic Junius von Hess. As she plunges into a world of secrets and betrayal, the choices Ilse makes will reverberate across decades.

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Silohuette of a woman in 1930s evening gown with the words "Child of June: A Novel."
Photo of a woman kneeling next to a stream, staring off at mountains in the distance

About Quillen deBruney

Born and raised in the Midwest, Quillen has spent two decades living and working in the national capital region. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Truman State University and a Master of Arts in public policy from The Johns Hopkins University, Quillen dedicated her life to public service. She currently resides in Alexandria, Virginia, with her beloved mutt, Anne Elliot.

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